FDA approves Benlysta for lupus nephritis!
1st drug ever FDA-approved to treat lupus nephritis
Historic mile-stone!
published by nonprofit Johns Hopkins Press
Historic mile-stone!
When excessive protein leaks from the kidneys and into the urine, it is called proteinuria. Proteinuria in lupus nephritis (kidney inflammation) is universal, occurring in 100% of lupus nephritis patients. Therefore, doctors monitor protein in the urine to help diagnose …
We have 3 drugs that are vying for FDA approval soon: Benlysta for lupus nephritis, …
I am Dr. Donald Thomas, MD, a rheumatologist treating hundreds of lupus patients for over 30 years. Read my first blog post here to understand why I started this website and blog about “The Lupus Encyclopedia” and “The Lupus Secrets”.
Dr. Don Thomas also enjoys educating and empowering doctors, medical students, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and patients.