[…] How to Stop Lupus Hair Loss– In the video below: ensure you get the best medical care, a proper diagnosis, and the best treatments available. – Have a “Plan” for when discoid lupus hair loss flares! Discoid lupus flares can leave more skin damage and hair loss each time they occur. The faster you […]
Improve Your Life: A Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Flare Test

Revolutionary New Lab Test: Predicts if a lupus patient will have a systemic lupus erythematosus flare!
A systemic lupus erythematosus flare can be devastating, interfere with quality of life, and can even cause organ damage. Imagine if they can be predicted ahead of time and then the patient be able to make appropriate actions to decrease the risk of that flare from happening? The future is now!
This lab test is called the aiSLE DX test by Progentec. It can predict if someone with systemic lupus erythematosus is at increased risk of having a flare during the next 3 months. If this were known, then the doctor and patient could ensure that everything possible is being done to control disease activity (not missing doses of medicines, using sunscreen religiously, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, exercising, getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night, etc.)
There are things that people can do to decrease them from occurring. For example, put into practice as much as you can from my “Lupus Secrets.”
There are things we can do to get them under control when they do occur.
The YouTube video below is the perspective of two rheumatologists who treat lots of lupus patients. They also hint about new lab tests that are just around the corner that can help predict lupus flares before they even happen. The immune system of lupus patients becomes more active before the person knows that a flare is going on.
Also, make sure to click on the Lupus Foundation’s Flare Plan site and download their flare plan as a practical way to monitor and report flares to your physician. Have a plan in place before you flare.
Comment below about how you prevent lupus flares.
What symptoms do you have during a flare? These often include fatigue, joint pains, pleurisy chest pain, mouth sores, hair loss, sun induced rashes, nose sores, and joint stiffness and swelling.
What have you found to be effective in getting your flares under control?
If you have had SLE for a long time, what do you wish you would have done differently after first diagnosed to help prevent flares?
- Don Thomas, MD
- Bambos CharalambousPingback
- Nikhil Lute
Hair loss
- Donald ThomasModerator
Sorry to hear that, Nikhil. Hair loss is one of the most devastating things from lupus. Sometimes we concentrate so much on things like lupus nephritis that we can forget that quality of life and self esteem are greatly affected by the skin and hair loss problems. All health care providers should keep that in mind.
If you have not seen it, see my information about hair loss (alopecia)
Dona.d Thomas, MD
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