Lupus and Dry Skin
Lupus, a complex autoimmune disease, commonly affects the skin, including causing dry, itchy skin. Fortunately, a lot can
published by nonprofit Johns Hopkins Press
Undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD) is one of the most common rheumatologic diagnoses. Many systemic lupus patients start off having a UCTD, which can be confusing. Some may feel it is a “wishy-washy” term or a problem with the doctor …
I am Dr. Donald Thomas, MD, a rheumatologist treating hundreds of lupus patients for over 30 years. Read my first blog post here to understand why I started this website and blog about “The Lupus Encyclopedia” and “The Lupus Secrets”.
Dr. Don Thomas also enjoys educating and empowering doctors, medical students, nurses, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and patients.